Lectures, seminars and dissertations
* Dates within the next 7 days are marked by a star.
Michal Borowski (University of Warsaw)
Approximation in variational problems
* Today * Wednesday 05 February 2025, 10:15, M3 (M234)
Seminar on analysis and geometry
Jaakko Takala (Aalto)
Diplomityöesitelmä: Wizard's 21 -pelin optimaalinen pelistrategia
* Thursday 06 February 2025, 13:00, Y405
Martti Ranta: Diplomityöesitelmä
* Thursday 06 February 2025, 14:15, M2 (M233)
Diplomityöesitelmä / Hakula
Matematiikan kandiseminaari (Bachelor thesis seminar in Math.)
* Friday 07 February 2025, 09:15, M2 (M233)
Further information
Sami Vihko (University of Helsinki)
* Tuesday 11 February 2025, 10:15, M3 (M234)
Prof. Nages Shanmugalingam (University of Cincinnati)
Large-scale behavior of Dirichlet-Sobolev functions in metric measure spaces
* Tuesday 11 February 2025, 15:15, M1 (M232)
For certain PDEs, it is not always possible to find smooth solutions; hence traditionally, we tend to relax the requirement of smoothness to finding weak (distributional) solutions to those PDEs, using the theory of Sobolev spaces. In dealing with Sobolev spaces, especially for unbounded regions, we encounter functions that are locally integrable but are not globally integrable, but have globally finite Sobolev energy. Such functions are called Dirichlet-Sobolev functions. Constant functions are certainly of this kind, with zero energy. It is natural to ask whether such functions are always, after subtracting a suitable constant that may depend on the function, globally integrable. The focus of this talk is to present results related to this question in the context of complete metric measure spaces (including Riemannian manifolds and Carnot-Carathéodory spaces) equipped with a locally doubing measure supporting a local Poincaré type inequality.
Ioana Ciotir (INSA Rouen, Normandie Université)
Stochastic porous media equation with Robin boundary conditions, gravity-driven infiltration and multiplicative noise
Wednesday 12 February 2025, 10:15, M3 (M234)
We aim at studying a novel mathematical model associated to a physical phenomenon of infiltration in an homogeneous porous medium. The particularities of our system are connected to the presence of a gravitational acceleration term proportional to the level of saturation, and of a Brownian multiplicative perturbation. Furthermore, the boundary conditions intervene in a Robin manner with the distinction of the behavior along the inflow and outflow respectively. We provide qualitative results of well-posedness, the investigation being conducted through a functional approach.
Joint work with Dan Goreac, Juan Li and Antoine Tonnoir.
Seminar on analysis and geometry
Prof Joni Virta (University of Turku)
Unsupervised linear discrimination using skewness
Wednesday 12 February 2025, 10:15, M237
It is known that, in Gaussian two-group separation, the optimally discriminating projection direction can be estimated without any knowledge on the group labels. In this presentation, we (a) motivate this estimation problem, and (b) gather several unsupervised estimators based on skewness and derive their limiting distributions. As one of our main results, we show that all affine equivariant estimators of the optimal direction have proportional asymptotic covariance matrices, making their comparison straightforward. We use simulations to verify our results and to inspect the finite-sample behaviors of the estimators.
Aalto Stochastics and Statistics Seminar / Leskelä
Victor Mishnyakov (Nordita)
Wednesday 19 February 2025, 10:15, M2 (M233)
Lin Wu (Xiamen University/Aalto University)
Uniform weighted bounds for fractional Marcinkiewicz integrals
Wednesday 19 February 2025, 10:15, M3 (M234)
Seminar on analysis and geometry
Aki Mori (Setsunan University)
Thursday 20 February 2025, 14:15, M2 (M233)
Algebra & Discrete Mathematics (ADM) Seminar
David Adame-Carrillo (opponent prof. Alessandro Giuliani)
PhD thesis defense: "Lattice models and conformal field theory"
Tuesday 25 February 2025, 13:00, R002/160a R1
Luis Angel Castillo López (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)
Wednesday 26 February 2025, 10:15, M3 (M234)
Seminar on analysis and geometry
Kostiantyn Tolmachov (Universität Hamburg)
Thursday 27 February 2025, 14:15, M2 (M233)
Algebra & Discrete Mathematics (ADM) Seminar
Aleksis Koski
Wednesday 05 March 2025, 10:15, M3 (M234)
Seminar on analysis and geometry
Thomas Karam (University of Oxford)
Thursday 06 March 2025, 14:15, Zoom
Algebra & Discrete Mathematics (ADM) Seminar
Aapo Pulkkinen
Wednesday 12 March 2025, 10:15, M3 (M234)
Seminar on analysis and geometry
Topias Terho (Aalto University)
Optimization models and solution algorithms for influence diagrams (Midterm review)
Wednesday 12 March 2025, 11:00, M240
Prof. Marcus Greferath (University College Dublin/Aalto)
Some old and new ideas on noiseless and noisy group testing
Wednesday 12 March 2025, 16:15, M3 (M234)
Group Testing is an area in information and communication sciences that is as well-established as Coding Theory and Cryptography. The author of this talk stumbled over this amazingly interesting topic during the recent COVID-19 pandemic and came to the moderately surprising observation that (non-adaptive) group testing in both the noiseless and the noisy (=error-correcting) case, may be considered as coding theory over the Boolean semi-field (1+1=1). Following this path, he discovered new and re-discovered known results of the theory that now allow for a presentation in a new skin. This talk will delve into the topic and show how Noiseless and Noisy Group Testing can be connected to Partially Ordered Sets, Residuation, Partial Linear Spaces, Configurations, Barbilian Spaces, and Block Designs, which gives raise to further applications of Finite Geometry and Order Theory.
ANTA Seminar / Hollanti et al.
Professor Estibalitz Durand Cartagena (UNED, Madrid)
Wednesday 02 April 2025, 10:15, M3 (M234)
Seminar on analysis and geometry
Hana Ephremidze (Universität Bonn)
Thursday 03 April 2025, 14:15, M2 (M233)
Algebra & Discrete Mathematics (ADM) Seminar
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