Department of Mathematics and Systems Analysis

Department of Mathematics and Systems Analysis

The seven main research areas of the department are: algebra and discrete mathematics, analysis, math&arts, mathematical physics, mathematical statistics and data science, numerical analysis, and systems and operations research. We offer major and minor studies at the bachelor's and master's level and provide doctoral research training. Our graduates have been recruited by universities, research institutes, governmental agencies as well as companies in the financial, energy and transportation sectors, for instance.


5.2. 10:15  Michal Borowski (University of Warsaw): Approximation in variational problems – M3 (M234)

6.2. 13:00  Jaakko Takala (Aalto): Diplomityöesitelmä: Wizard's 21 -pelin optimaalinen pelistrategia – Y405

6.2. 14:15  Martti Ranta: Diplomityöesitelmä: TBA – M2 (M233)

7.2. 9:15  Matematiikan kandiseminaari (Bachelor thesis seminar in Math.) (further info) – M2 (M233)

11.2. 10:15  Sami Vihko (University of Helsinki): TBA – M3 (M234)

11.2. 15:15  Prof. Nages Shanmugalingam (University of Cincinnati): Large-scale behavior of Dirichlet-Sobolev functions in metric measure spaces – M1 (M232)

12.2. 10:15  Ioana Ciotir (INSA Rouen, Normandie Université) : Stochastic porous media equation with Robin boundary conditions, gravity-driven infiltration and multiplicative noise – M3 (M234)

12.2. 10:15  Prof Joni Virta (University of Turku): Unsupervised linear discrimination using skewness – M237

19.2. 10:15  Lin Wu (Xiamen University/Aalto University): Uniform weighted bounds for fractional Marcinkiewicz integrals – M3 (M234)

19.2. 10:15  Victor Mishnyakov (Nordita): TBA – M2 (M233)

20.2. 14:15  Aki Mori (Setsunan University): TBA – M2 (M233)

25.2. 13:00  David Adame-Carrillo (opponent prof. Alessandro Giuliani): PhD thesis defense: "Lattice models and conformal field theory" – R002/160a R1

26.2. 10:15  Luis Angel Castillo López (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México): TBA – M3 (M234)

27.2. 14:15  Kostiantyn Tolmachov (Universität Hamburg): TBA – M2 (M233)

5.3. 10:15  Aleksis Koski: TBA – M3 (M234)

6.3. 14:15  Thomas Karam (University of Oxford): TBA – Zoom


Anestis Tzogias (Université de Neuchâtel) 1.9.2024–31.5.2025

Lin Wu (Xiamen University) 15.10.2024–14.11.2025

Berenike Masing (Freie Universität Berlin / ZIB) 14.1.–14.3.

Gerardo Barrera Vargas (Instituto Superior Tecnico (IST Lisbon)) 2.2.–15.2.

Nageswari Shanmugalingam (University of Cincinnati) 3.2.–31.5.

Michal Borowski (University of Warsaw) 3.2.–20.2.

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